Saturday, February 26, 2011
Our text is taken from JOHN 17:15
I believe in the Glorious Church – Ephesians 5:27. A church with His Glory and Christ Nature are an Overcoming Church. We are called to be Priests and Kings of His Kingdom.
As I was reading John 17:15 – God promises is not to take the church out of this world but to bring His Army through tribulations. (testing time) We must press through tribulation not the Great Tribulation. The ministry of the Holy Spirit enables us to be an overcomer in the place of trial. There are several passages that contain the word “through” God is not going to take us out, but He is going to bring us through! His GLORIOUS GRACIOUS GRACE will take us through in this life and the life to come.
Psalms 18:28, 29 – You are called to be an overcomer. Come over that wall! Mount that obstacle! You can run through a troop with the strength of the Lord.
Psalms 66:6, 10-12 – We went through the fire and through the water and Thou bring us out into a wealthy place. This wealthy place is a place of freedom or a great harvest. A great blessing kept for us.
Psalms 84:5-7 – Baca means “weeping”. You will make your valley of weeping a place of springs. The valley of Baca becomes the valley of Berachah which means “blessing”. The overcomers will appear in Zion.
Zechariah 13:9 – There is a refining process and character changing.
Isaiah 43:1-3 - Jacob was created, but Israel is formed. The word formed “yatsar” meaning “to press, be narrow; be in distress or vexed; squeezed into shape; to mold into a form esp. as a potter; to determine fashion, form or purpose.” - Strong Concordance
Galatians 4:19 – “My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you.” If Christ is to be formed in you, He is going to shape you in the wilderness or in hard times.
We are living at this time that things are not getting better – economic, social, politically – it’s decaying. This will path the way for the “little horn” to come and control everything even our lives.
Daniel 7:25; 11:32 - Anti-Christ system shall wear out the saints. The system or atmosphere will wear out the saints. It can be money system, stocks and shares system, worldly system, political or water problems – they are fighting over. It shall wear out the saints – but the people that do “know their God” shall be strong and do exploits.
There are two kinds of Christian in the end of this age:-

1) Those who would be ‘worn out’ by the beast system - Daniel 7:25
2) Those who would be strong and do exploit (pull down stronghold)
They are the Christians who know their God is great. - Daniel 11:25
The three Hebrew children and Daniel would not bow down to the Anti-god Nebuchanezzar system – bowing down too his image. They were not ‘worn out”! They do exploit and brave. They knew their God. They confess their God.
The word ‘wear out’ means “to afflict or wear out mentally, to vex, to persecute with the purpose of entire annihilation.”
Paul says Acts 14:19-22 – Paul was stoned in Iconium, he returned and say this “we must press through in tribulation” Paul was not ‘worn out’ and give up. He knew his God too.
Where do we get to know God and His strength? In the wilderness, trials, valley of humiliation and wants, a place of brokenness. In those dark lonely hours it’s when the evil shoots his fiery darts. Fiery lying darts says, “You cannot have anything, you cannot be anything and you cannot do anything” – the feeling you get in the air it’s the “powers” in the air that hits you.
Revelation 3:21 says, “To him that overcome.” Jesus overcame! A Promise for them is to the Throne.
Come to My Table – speaks of Relationship and Abundance, Blessings.
Come to My Throne – speaks of power and overcoming life!
Be overcomers and be strong! Be rich in His Word! Pull down strongholds! Be on fire for Me! Be Faithful unto Death!
Friday, February 18, 2011
The bible says, you can sing to God with your spirit or with your understanding - 1 Corinthians 14:15.
As ministers of the new Covenant we minister from the heart of our spirit. The letter kills but the Spirit gives life. (2 Corinthians 2:6) We communicate in the spirit. In 1 Corinthians 2:6, 7 - says, “we speak the wisdom among those who are mature and it is the hidden wisdom of God.” And verse 10 says, “God has revealed to us through His Spirit as the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God.” I believe when we speak or minister we speak and minister from the spirit that was what Paul wrote to the Church in Corinth.
Firstly, speak from the spirit as you minister. - I Corinthians 2:10, 13
Likewise we also can sing spontaneously in the spirit – singing in the presence of God. When there is a “moving in the spirit” in a public worship – we can sing to God with our spirit and also our understanding with words. In 1 Corinthians 14:26 says, we can sing psalm, sing in tongues, giving revelation and interpretation that could take place in a worship service. Spontaneous singing in the presence of the Lord is unlike recital of songs written by someone else. We don’t sing someone songs. When we sing we also minister to the believers.
Elisha said to the king who came to consult the Lord, “But now bring me a musician.” Elisha knew music brings the presence of God and he could minister and prophesied with it easily.
Firstly, you offer up grace to God.
Singing in the spirit offers up grace in your hearts ( spirit) to the Lord - (Colossians 3:16). We can sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in one single worship service or in another. Psalms is a spontaneous lyric sung when he is moved by the Holy Spirit. It is a sacred song sung with musical accomplishment sometimes.
The bible says, “singing with grace” in your hearts to God.
Secondly, you imparting grace to one another.
Singing under the anointing imparts grace supernaturally to one another. God’s manifested grace will just flows to us. God’s anointing and healing just flow to us. Sometimes revelation, exaltation and prophesy just flows to us to minister to others.
What is Psalms?
a. Psalms.
According to 1 Cor 14:26, a psalm seems to be a spontaneous lyric sung by someone when the Holy Spirit moves in a meeting. Psalms comes from the Greek word psalmos meaning a ‘sacred song, sung to musical accompaniment’. The bible says, “Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing psalms’ (James 5:13). While hymns are spontaneous singing to God, psalms are likely spontaneous singing about God.
b. Hymns
At midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang hymns to God (Acts 16:25) a song of praise address to God in time of difficulty.
c. Spiritual Songs are :
It is also a spontaneous song flowing out from the heart when the Holy Spirit moves the heart of a worshiper.
A tongue ‘lyric’ can occur and it can be interpreted into a known language to become a prophetic song.
Spiritual songs express a very deep level of adoration to God which singing in the understanding cannot reach. (1 Cor. 14:15).
Thirdly, there must be preparations for singing with the spirit.
Unlike praying with the spirit which does not take any preparation and training prior to its operation, singing with the spirit requires two kinds of preparations.
a. Be filled with the Holy Spirit always.
When the worshipers were filled with a spirit ( Ep 5:18) they began to speak to one and another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, and to make melody in their hearts ( spirit) to the Lord ( Ep 5:19).
b. Be saturated with the word of Christ in the heart.
Spontaneous singing with the spirit is a result of having the word of Christ in your heart always. Singing to the Lord when one has the word in the heart. - Colossians 3:16
May the Lord teach us more about worshiping in the Spirit!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011

Our text taken from John 4:10-24
When God wanted to choose someone to whom He could entrust the kingship, the crown, awesome authority, great power, tremendous wealth, worldwide fame, multiple anointing and heavenly revelations, who do He chooses?
He chooses a true worshiper! Why of all people did God choose a worshiper for the highest office in all the nations? Because He knows that a true worshiper is one whom He can trust and entrust.
1) A TRUE WORSHIPER IS A TRUE LOVER. – A lover of God. God is first, highest and eternal love. God knows that the one who truly loves Him will want to be close to Him, listen to Him, please Him, serve Him and do His will. A true worshiper lives to please God, in fact, he lives for God.
2) GOD LOVES TRUE WORSHIPERS. Why? Because True Worshipers worships. And God’s meat is Worship. God consumes Worship. God wants quality worship. God is seeking such to worship Him John 4:23. Do you know what God eats when He’s hungry? Worship. The woman at the well, when Jesus told here about His living waters, He found one worshiper. And suddenly the disciples came back and they said, “Lord we’ve got to eat, and Jesus said you go ahead first but I got something important to do. And later the disciples came back with food and they said, “Lord we’ve got Your Burger King for You” or Here’s Your Macdonalds Big Mac, Master.” They were shocked when He said, “I’m not hungry. I’ve had meat to eat that you don’t know of.” “I found a true worshiper!” God consumed our worship.
Can God say something here in our lives? I got something to eat today? And He

The Purpose of Worship is not having a “good time”. Sooner and later we will be sick of good meetings, good music and good preaching. Instead we just want to see Him. Just like Lion tracks – do you want to follow the tracks without seeing one lion? Some believers expressed themselves on Sunday, “Well! I’m going to be a little late for church. I’ll miss the worship, but I’ll get there for the Word.” What we fail to realize is that as far as God is concerned, worship is His part (and most people are missing His part) and the Word is our part. (Receiving) Worship is giving. Many times church people have lost the best part. Nobody likes to be late for buffet, Hello! We will rush like mad for the dinner.
Do you really think God get anything out of our preaching? Do you think He might learn something about Himself from my anointing teaching? No. God doesn’t get anything out of our preaching. I am not saying that preaching of God's Word isn’t important. I am saying that worship is more important to God than preaching because worship builds the basket or container for the fresh bread of Heaven to come down. What is the Priority - to talk to Him or talk about Him?
3) TRUE WORSHIPERS CARRIES THE PRESENCE OF GOD. Why? They spend so much time with God ministering to Him in the Holy of Holies – The Throne Room. They possess greater power in prayer and intercession. They have authority to prophesy, declare and decree the powerful Word of God. The highest level of worship comes from the Throne room worship. Throne Room Worshipers produces power and carries the presence of God. Grace will give you the power to worship God in spirit and in truth. When there is grace there is Living Worship.
Living Water and Living Worship – Living waters will come when there is Living Worship! Living water is in His Hand and Living worship is in your hand.
John 4:10-11 “If you knew the gift of God ……. He would have given you Living water.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing (the woman was looking to His Hand) to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water?” Jesus could have satisfy her with the well waters but He satisfies her with Living Waters. God satisfies while He supplies the Living Water.
John 4:21-24 “Woman believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father… But the hour is coming and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such (chosen ones or special) to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must (no other way) worship in spirit and truth.” (People worship God in different ways) You, you, you are wanted up there, the rest is on waiting list.
Worship time is when God comes down and it’s the best time. This is the time the Father is actively seeking worshipers! Do you know what heaven wants? God is on a mission to populate Heaven with true worshipers. Give first what Heaven wants and then Living waters, Manna from Heaven will fall down. “Spirit” here talks about Worship; Truth is the Word. There will be no apostles, preachers, evangelists, teachers, church members, elders or deacons in Heaven. The only job description in Heaven is that of a worshiper. I am an usher or a worshiper what first?? God is not seeking after ushers, counselors, pastors, or good singers and even good music. He is seeking for true worshipers today! Amen!
May we be true worshipers for this hour and bring the presence of God down. May God consume us and accept our offerings of worship.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
How The Devil Prevent Believers From Worshiping the Living God
Our Text taken from the book of Exodus 8:1-16
The story of Moses was a story about the enemies preventing true worshipers from worshiping the true and living God. The devil is a liar and he would do anything to prevent us from going near to God. God gave the 10 plagues to Egypt throughout the land except the Israelites. All ten plagues come because Pharaoh used by the devil would not let the people of God to worship Him.
The ten plagues were turning the 1. Water to Blood - 7:19 2. Frogs 8:2-4 3. Gnats or Lice 8:16 4. Flies - 8:21 5. Livestock Diseased - 9:3 6. Boils - 9:8-9 7. Thunder and Hail - 9:18 8. Locusts 10:4-5 9. Darkness - 10:21-22 10. Death of the Firstborn
A) Exodus 8:8
Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Entreat the LORD that He remove the frogs from me and from my people; and I will let the people go, that they may sacrifice to the LORD."
1st Deception: Pharaoh like the devil is a liar.
B) Exodus 8:28
Pharaoh said, "I will let you go to offer sacrifices to the LORD your God in the desert, but you must not go very far. Now pray for me."
New Living Translation (©2007)
"All right, go ahead," Pharaoh replied. "I will let you go into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the LORD your God. But don't go too far away. Now hurry and pray for me."
2nd Deception: Why? If they go, Pharaoh and his armies would chase them back again with horses and chariots. The devil does not want us to go far too extreme to worship God. Don’t get involved too much.
C) Exodus 8:26
But Moses replied, "That wouldn't be right. The Egyptians detest the sacrifices that we offer to the LORD our God. Look, if we offer our sacrifices here where the Egyptians can see us, they will stone us.
English Standard Version (©2001)
But Moses said, “It would not be right to do so, for the offerings we shall sacrifice to the LORD our God are an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice offerings abominable to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone us?
3rd Deception: No animals sacrifice no worship and the wrong sacrifice also. They were all abomination sacrifice and polluted.
D) Exodus 10:8-11
Pharaoh said, “Go and serve the Lord your God. But who are the ones that are going?”
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
Moses answered, "Everyone! We'll be taking our young and old, our sons and daughters, our flocks and herds with us. For us it's a pilgrimage festival in the LORD'S honor."
King James Bible
And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD.
E) Exodus 10:11- Pharaoh said No so! Go now you who are men only and serve the Lord. Men can go only. 4th Deception: Why? Men will come back to their families sooner or later.
Judgement: Locust came and covered the face of the whole earth and the land was darkened and ate all the trees and greens, plants, etc of the land of Egypt.
F) Exodus 10:24- “Pharaoh said, “Go serve the Lord; only let your flocks and your herds be kept back. Let the little ones also go with you… but 5th Deception: No sacrifice no worship’
But Moses said, "You must allow us to take [our animals] for the sacrifices and burnt offerings we have to make to the LORD our God. Moses must obey God.
Therefore, our livestock too shall go with us; not a hoof shall be left behind, for we shall take some of them to serve the LORD our God. And until we arrive there, we ourselves do not know with what we shall serve the LORD."
Last judgment – At the Lord’s Passover God was coming against all over the gods of Egypt – Exodus 12:12
But only when I see the blood (symbol cross) I will pass over you. And destroy Egypt with plagues of death. They have to put a lamb’s blood upon the lintel of their doors as God told

The first born of Egyptians all died. Likewise, Jesus sacrificed his blood at the cross was enough to get the enemy released all. Why! The blood of Jesus defeated all their enemies. The blood protected the people of God but as the same time destroyed the enemy’s camp.
Today, you and I are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. It is not your deeds or your works. It is not even our good name or good standing. The blood of Jesus is for more than just to save our souls from hell. It is for protection, healing. deliverance and provision. The blood purged our evil conscience. It takes away guilt and condemnation. The blood gives us peace joy and righteousness with God. When we plead the blood of the Lamb over any situation, do it with authority and confidence. The forces of darkness cannot pass through or cross the line of the blood of Jesus shed from the CROSS for us.
Why plead the Power of His Blood?
Hebrews 9:11-14 - "... how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"
Hebrews 11:28 - "Through faith he kept the passover, and the SPRINKLING OF BLOOD, lest He that destroyed the firstborn should touch them."
Hebrews 12:24 - "And to Jesus the mediator of the New Covenant, and to THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING, that speaketh better things than that of Abel."
Revelation 12:11 "And they overcame him (devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony; and loved not they lives unto the death."
May we have receive all the blessings and protection in the Blood of Jesus today!
Friday, February 4, 2011
My text I took was in Genesis 8:20 and Genesis 12:1-8
The life of Abraham was the life of moving. He moved from place to place. As he moved he built an altar. And every time he heard God’s voice he built the altar. An altar can be family altar or our communion with God daily. Abraham's love for God never dwindled. Abraham lived in the grace of God. God's grace was upon him. It increased day by day until God had to test him and bless him. The Word ‘altar’ caught my eyes and ‘tent’ two words.
A) First Altar - Genesis 12:1-8 in vs. 7 is the word "an altar" verse 8 ‘pitch his tent’
God gave Abraham promises to bless him as he go forth but he encounter famine problems. He went down to Egypt and became prosperous after lying to Pharaoh his wife was his sister. (Promise of God: “Go forth”)
In Genesis 13:1-4 – again mentioned “place of altar” verse 4 At Bethel & Ai he returned to the place he first built the altar before and he separated with Lot there. Abraham’s heart had a giving heart because of that God promises to give him the land of Canaan.
B) Second Altar he build at Hebron after the separation from Lot. Vs. 17, 18
Promise of God : “Arise and Walk” vs.18 says He moved his tent dwelt at oaks of Mamre in Hebron. A confirmation from God.
C) Third altar – Genesis 15:1-8 – Promise of God v. 5 “Look up toward” Look now toward heaven and count the stars if you are able to number them. So shall your descendants be. Vs. 6 And he believed in the Lord and He accounted it to him for righteousness. (Gift of righteousness) was given by believing only.
v. 9 “sacrifice at altar” Abraham said, “Bring me” a heifer, goat, ram, turtledove, pigeon) sins offering. Forgiveness of sin and cleansing – I John 1:9
Chapter 17:1-8 v.10 - God’s Covenant by circumcision. V.24-27 Abram and his people were circumcised “cutting the skin” New Testament is “sanctification” Believers today we were circumcised by our hearts by Christ. He cuts our fleshy part out. - Deuteronomy 30:6 God did their circumcision in their hearts and blessings follow. Condition : To obey His Commands.
Colossian 2:6-12 - Circumcision by Christ – then blessings follows in Christ. Conditions: obedience to Christ (Walk, Rooted, Build up in Him; Established in your faith)
Genesis 18:1 – Abraham was sitting at the tent door at oaks of Mamre and 3 men appeared as “angel of the Lord”. They were eating and having conversation with each other. The Promise of the child by the 3 men to Sarah and Sarah was laughing. V. 14 God Promise: “Is Anything Too Hard For God”? v. 9 “a son” for Abraham.
Now Abram lived by faith trusting God for a miracle (waiting period) He was ’building up His faith in God promises and Word. And his faith in God increases daily.
In Hebrew 11:8 we read - he obeyed by going. God will give us the power to obey.
- he lived as an alien
- he was looking for the city (Spiritual House God the builder)
- he was tested.
D) Fourth altar at Mt. Moriah – Genesis 22:1-18 – Testing of Abraham’s faith of giving all. It’s a harder test. Command “Take your son” Place all your faith on the promises of God. (love, treasure, talents)
God promise are great: “The Lord will Provide” He will multiply your seed. V18 All the seeds of nations shall be blessed. Abraham blessings overflow. God intents His church to be Rivers not Reservoirs! Managing what God’s given us produces maturity.
There comes a time in our life – the test of our sacrifices for God must be the best. It must come from the best of us. Then overflow blessings will come. Most of us think of our own blessings first. This fourth alter is all about giving our best to God and after all Jesus have given His best to us by dying on the cross. Have we given our best to God yet? Jesus in us we can give our best to God through grace and in Christ we received all his blessings at the cross.
The Journey of our walk is a journey of Love for God as we focus on the Love of God first. Promises for Abraham is His love. God's love is perfect and we can live in His love.