Wednesday, February 12, 2025


1. A Past Helper – “Thou hast been my help” – Psalms 63:7

2. A Present Helper – “a very present help in trouble” – Heb. 13:6

3. A Powerful Helper – “I have laid help upon One that is mighty”

                                    -  Psa. 89:19

4. A Protecting Helper – “The Lord God will help thee” – Isa. 50:7,9

5. A Precious Helper –“I will help thee” – Isa 41:10,13,14

6. A Providing Helper – “the Helper of the fatherless” – Psa. 10:14

7. A Perpetual Helper – “The God of Jeshurun  is thy help”

                                        – Deut. 33:26   

If we can say “the Lord is my Helper,” we can also declare, “I will not fear” – Heb. 13:6

1.   In perplexity, He is our Help to direct, as He did to Eliezer – (Gen. 24:12,42).

2.   In poverty, He is our Help to provide, as He did to Elijah         (1 Kings 27:5,6)

3.   In sickness, He is our Help to strengthen, as He did to Paul –    (2 Cor. 12:9)

4.   In bereavement, He is our Help to console, as He did to the sisters of Bethany  (John 11:25)

5.   In discouragement, He is our Help to stimulate, as He did to Joshua (Josh. 1:6-9)

6.   In disappointment, He is our help to remind us that all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28)

7.   In difficulty, He is our Help to say to us, “Fear not.. I will help thee   (Isa. 12:10)  (500 Bible Study Outline) FE Marsh

A Paraclete (Holy Spirit) Who Help us to Pray - Romans 8:26, 27.

“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.”

The Holy Spirit help us as we do not know how to pray but He prays through us in intercession for the saints to the will of God.

We allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives in all things.  He is our Helper. The Holy Spirit's role is to seal believers' salvation, reveal God's thoughts, and teach and guide believers. He fills believers with strength and wisdom, intercedes for them, and gives spiritual gifts. As He dwells inside each believer, He fulfil various roles and functions. He gives life and makes us new.

May the power of God, Jesus love and the Holy Spirit give you an abundant grace daily to serve the Lord. Amen.
