Friday, September 17, 2010



And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother, for glory and for beauty” – Exodus 28:2

The bible tells us to put on the garment of praise and to wear the robe of righteousness. However, there is another garment which surpasses all these, it’s more glorious and it is the garment of glory. In the Old Testament the high priest wore the beautiful and glorious garments in the Holy of Holies.

Today we have this robe of RIGHTEOUSNESS given by Jesus to the church, the Bride of Christ. She is being prepared for the ‘Bridal gown of glory”. She is being clothed with an increasing measure of His divine glory as the Marriage of the Bride and the Lamb draws near. The increasing glory of God is upon us the church.
At the beginning of creation, Adam and Eve were not clothed with ordinary garments but with glory. But through their sin they lost the covering of glory and authority.

Firstly, they lost the glorious spiritual covering because they were aware of their nakedness and were ashamed themselves. They decided to cover them with fig leaves “salad dressings” (men works) but this substitute could never replace the lost glory.

Secondly, they lost that special intimate relationship with God which they enjoy with God in the beginning. Their close and sweet relationships were broken.

Thirdly, after losing their glory and intimate closeness with God, they lost their authority, dominion and blessings. A curse was pronounced in their land and work.

Friends, you and I are clothed with glory – together with His Righteousness and Grace. The glory of God puts a holy passion and fire in your lives. It will inspire your spirit and causes to burn with a holy zeal. When you are clothed with the glory there will be an unusual authority in your spirit. Your faith in God increases each day and you will minister to others in a greater dimension of the Spirit. Your life will be transform and your expectations will be different. You will be changed from glory to glory. The glory of God will draws out your anointing of your inner man beyond your ability.

I tell you one of the best sermons is not from those that are heard from great preachers and teachers (respecting them) but those carrying the presence and glory of God. You don’t need to utter a word or to preach some of the most impressive messages. You need only to stand radiating His glory, allowing His Spirit of Grace and Glory to flow and shine through you to others. The glory of God like the Old and New Testament has a tangible and powerful effect. Miracles after miracles will happen just like that without our effort and the effects are penetrative and lasting. Just walk around town and your shadows will heal the sick and diseased.
God's people will indeed be willing in the days of His Power and Glory.

Today, this is the GARMENTS OF GLORY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS we are wearing. Are we conscious of it daily? We talk about righteous conscious what about glory conscious! When the spiritual wedding comes – we need to wear a wedding garment. Blessed are those who have the garments for they will stand before the Lord Jesus – the Bridegroom of Glory. Jesus is the Glory of God and the King of Glory.

The Heavenly Beautician, Holy Spirit is busily preparing the Bride of Christ adorning with the gracious and glorious gifts and grace, garments of righteousness and garments of glory for the soon coming Bridegroom, Jesus. He is preparing upon her an increasing measure of God’s Glory. A show piece to all creation that have ever seen – a BEAUTIFUL BRIDE who is full of the GLORIOUS GLORY of God.

Scripture Reference:

Colossians 1:27 – “To them God willed to make known what are the riches of His Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory
I Thess. 2:12 - “that you would have a walk worthy of God who calls you into His own kingdom and glory”.
I Peter 4:14 – “blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you . On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified.”

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