In Psalm 63: 1-5 David was going through his rough time. David was running from his son Absalom. David has fled from the city of Jerusalem and headed towards the wilderness. King David was away from his palace, his family, comfort. What did David missed the most? It was God’s house. Not his palace, not his throne, his friends, his family, comforts of wealth and power but the house of God. He missed the place of Prayer, place of Power and the place of Praise. If you are driven into exile what do you want the most. David’s only life and satisfaction was in God. Nothing else!
David says: “Lets us go to the house of the Lord” What is it? The body of believers gathers! How many times must we go to His House? More than 3 time a week? Then, they said you are a fanatic! What is a fanatic? A fanatic is someone who loves Jesus more than you! Why go to the house of God? The house of God is where bondage are broken, sick are healed, deaf heard, demons are cast out, its where sorrows are turn into the shouts of joy, people baptized in the Holy Spirit and an exchange of garments of praise with the spirit of heaviness. The House of God is where the anointing is. It’s the House of Salvation, Blessings and Glory.
Psalms 63:1 - David expressed “You are My God” - A Personal Relationship with God. The Word God here is “Elohim” or Trinity God. How can you deny the existence of God. David says,there is a God. A fool says there is no God. David served a Jehovah God – “You are My God.” My God is the Light of the World, my God is the Provider, my God is the Healer, the Victory and the Truth, Way and Life.
David says I serve no other gods? I serve the God of Miracles! When you are in trouble and sick who do you turn to? Where do you run to? Who do you seek? David went to His God – I go to My Shield, Rock, River of Life!! He is Jehovah Jireh, My Provider, Jehovah Nissi – My Banner and Johovah Rapha – My Healer. He is My God!
David says: Early will I seek thee!
Prayer should be first choice not last chance. Don’t try everything first and try God last and try God first and everything will work out at last. David says, communion with God is better than the soft bed or royal bed chamber, big dinners, big money and pleasure. David says “In His Presence there is Fullness of Joy” If our face looks like the reprint of the Book of Lamentation then we know we are not in His Presence.
Psalms 16:11 – says “in His Presence there are pleasures forevermore” at the right hand (Jesus) I believe only Jesus is the One that give us hope joy, pleasure and life. What kind of pleasure. Not a moment but eternal pleasures. Someone says: “Becoming a Christian is boring!” – It’s the devil’s deception. The world has many amusements but no lasting pleasures. The devil has no lasting pleasures.
David says “My flesh longs for thee – my whole being craves for God.
“My soul thirst for thee! I think only living things thirst? Only hungry people eat! If we have no thirst for God – then something is wrong somewhere and we need to ask why? The bible tells us about “losing our first love”, “having a “form of religion”. It is just having ritual without righteousness and programs without power. We need to be thirsty for God. Don’t get a drink! Drink until you are drunk. (Ephesians 5:18) - Keep drinking and drinking from the well waters of salvation.
The Story of a boy who wanted to see God’s power and hungry for God and told his pastor about it. The Pastor took this young boy to the river to baptized him. When he said “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost”; he pushed the boy until he had to struggle to gasp for air. He pushed the Pastor off and gasped for air. “When you are under the water what do you want the most? Boy reply “air”! The Pastor reply “just as you wanted Jesus as much as the air then you will see His power and glory”.
The flesh longs, the soul thirsts and the spirit seeks after God. Our spirit touches God and come to the Holy of Holies, a place when we do nothing but receive and see His Glory and Power. This is the place where we’re not longing, not thirsting but we are drinking. Be still and know God. You and I can’t talk. We’re not interested in what He can do for us – we’re interested in knowing Him and want More of Him.
In verse 2, David says “I have seen your power and beheld your glory” (My spirit seeks after thee) When you are all out for God you will see His manifest power in the church and only thirsty people will see the power of God in their lives. God wants us to see His power in the church. The Gospel is a gospel of Power. The Book of Acts says, “I have given you “Power” or ‘dunamis’ – Jesus has given power to us. For Yours is the kingdom and power. And Jesus will come with power and rule with power with a rod of iron. Every knee shall bow and mouth confess that He is Lord whether the world likes it or not.
There are Waves of Glory coming to His Church. His Awesome Presence as in Genesis 28:16, 17 – Jacob saw His Awesome Presence - the House of God. Here, David has seen His Power and Glory.
May the Lord bless you and His Word!