Sunday, May 27, 2012


Psalms 96:9 says “Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness! Tremble before Him, all the earth.”

God in the above Psalms call us to worship.  This is also a call to holiness. The call to worship is a call to holiness. God is not only calling us to worship Him in the beauty of holiness, but to live in His beauty of holiness.  I believe this is the true relationship with the Holy Spirit.

In First Thessalonian 4:7-8 says “For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. (His holiness not ours)  Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit.”

For God call us to live a life of holiness and if we reject this we also reject the Holy Spirit.  The degree of holiness in our life will be the degree of the presence of God.  For God lives in a Holy temple and we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
Our calling first is to live His holy life, not to have a ministry and travel over the world preaching the gospel.  Our calling is holiness and our ministry is worship. And out of the two we live, our lives will penetrate into lives we minister.  Even in Isaiah 35:8,9 (NAS) says “And a highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for him who walks that way… but the redeemed will walk there.”

The hunger for His holiness will keep us away from the devil.  The fool would not walk in the way of holiness only the redeemed will be there.

Remember holiness has got nothing to do with sin at all. When we talk about holiness we are not looking at ourselves we are looking towards the One who is HOLY.  God never said be holy with your own holiness. Be ye holy as I AM HOLY! Holiness comes from God first. A holy vessel coming to His Holy Presence.

God is bringing a change to our daily worship. In Old Testament the high priest would be pulled out if there was no noise inside the Holy of Holies.  Today, God is pulling us back into the Holy of Holies as the veil was torn into two when Jesus died at the cross.  As I say before songs must not be sung as songs to pass the time and let the Word or preacher comes in.  Our worship songs must lead us into the holiness of God. That is where the presence of God is, the Holy of Holies. The essence of worship is to touch God’s presence. His holy presence will make us holy. Sin habits will be broken and chains loosed.

The hour is coming, and now is, when all the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit (of holiness) and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. (John 4:23) In fact, when we enter into His holiness or holy presence – His holiness will transform us from glory to glory. We are not talking about avoiding sin here. Sin will be melt here in this place. No sin or devil can walk there.

Many times in church we want the worship to end and wait for the Word to be shared.  Many are more excited for the Word or the Preacher.  We give 20 per cent to worship and 80 per cent to the Word.  Worship must come first 100 per cent and then God will pour out His Living Word and Waters into our lives 100 per cent too.  Living Worship is in our hand and Living Word and Living Bread is in His Hand.  His Living Word will give us the revelation of Jesus more and more.  Our Living Worship brings down the glory and power of God to heal the sick and even transform people lives. When God's power and presence is so great we do not need the Word. God will take over.

O worship the Lord into His beauty of Holiness and reverence before Him all the earth!  He is our Holy God!

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