Saturday, August 18, 2012


Judges 13 speaks about the birth of Samson. This was about a barren woman who was unable to give birth and whose husband was named Manoah.  Manoah’s wife was barren.  And barrenness in those days was a curse.  There were a lot of things we could learn from this story of barrenness. The one thing we see in this beautiful story is the beautiful word “ownership”.

God owns everything in our life and in this universe. God moved man and woman today and exposing them to what we call our “selfish attitude of ownership”.  Today, we see the power of grace in this story.  Manoah’s  wife  was childless and God just came in through an angel of the Lord spoke to her about giving birth to a son.  And that son was named Samson.  These people in the Old Testament are all vessels of grace God used.  Manoah’s wife cried out daily in her heart saying to God “God if you break the curse of my barrenness, I will give you my child and you can use him and take ownership of him.

A certain man of Zorah, named Manoah, from the clan of the Danites, had a wife who was childless, unable to give birth. The angel of the Lord appeared to her and said, “You are barren and childless, but you are going to become pregnant and give birth to a son. Now see to it that you drink no wine or other fermented drink and that you do not eat anything unclean. You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite,  to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”

Judges 13:24 -  The woman gave birth to a boy and named him Samson. He grew and the Lord blessed him, v. 25  and the Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he was in Mahaneh Dan, between Zorah and Eshtaol.

We learn that in barrenness we allow God blessings, miracles and purposes to flow into us and through us.  A dead person in fact does not own anything.  When Manoah’s wife gave up something that is costly and valuable, God Grace flows into her empty vessel.  Vessel  that emptied themselves.  God the wine maker emptied our vessels into another. And our wine in the end will become pure and rich. We will become useful like Samson.  

God used Samson and he became the deliverer. Samson came to deliver the Israelites from the Philistine suppression for 40 years. Samson was a miracle boy, his mother a barren woman who hope was in the grace and mercy of God. She emptied herself to allow God’s grace to flow through her and deliver a miracle baby boy.

Samson’s name means in Hebrew “Shimshown” meaning “the strength of the sun” – his strength was tied to the strength and power of God.  Yet he was tempted as we are and yet God used him. As the church cries out today for God’s power, God is going to release His strength and His Exceeding Grace to deliver many broken and empty people.

Barrenness breaks the church into another level of New Grace and Anointing – a New Anointing Power of God – supernaturally.  As God breaks the curse of barrenness in churches today, we will move into another level of fruitfulness and blessings. His Gracious Grace will do it.

God will provide the grace of enlargement, the grace of influence and the grace of success and blessings for the church to reign in life.  But we must keep our hunger focused on the God of power rather than the power of God.  Love the God of Power not the Power of God.  Love the Giver not the gift.  When a church is small nobody bother and question but when it is big and had big money and finance everybody bothers and asks. Many wanted to control and had a say sometimes to their selfish ends. 

The questions we ask today, why are we serving God for?  Most people serve God because of His gifts and power and blessings.  They love the gift and power more than the Giver or Power Giver.  They love His presents more than they love His Presence or Face.  The carnal mind craves comfort and loves money.  The natural man is a fighter and taker.  The mind of Christ is a lover and a giver.  The carnal mind is centered in self-rule.  The spiritual mind is centered in God rule.

Job lost many things in life.  But God restored back Job’s losses which I called “barrenness”. He was barren.  When he started to pray for his friends (that accuse him) the Lord gave twice as much as he had before.  Job took his focus off himself and let go and turn to others instead of his sorrows and pain.  God was able to move on his behalf.  As long as Job was trying to solve his own problems (or justify himself) God could not move towards him. 

Today God’s principles are still the same.  When love doesn’t seek its own, it allows faith to operate powerfully from within our lives.  When our focus is on God and others we become a vessel to His Kingdom.  It is a vessel for faith and love to flow and not a dam for it to become stagnate or barren. Our faith works through love. Our hearts are purified by faith and also by God love.

 Matthew 16:25 says, “whosoever loses his life shall find it back”.  Someone say this, “things that we are so desperate to obtain are only received by giving them selflessly away.”  Yes, we learn that unconditional love is the most costly love.  Jesus love cost Him and his life to us. Likewise, marriage is not a 50-50% partnership love.  It should be 100% and we will never come to lack. If we give only 50% then we come into lack.  Likewise as I say a dead person does not have any life.  He gave all 100% to God.  For you are dead in Christ, as the scripture say.

My prayers: As in Acts 1:8 – “you shall receive power”  -  “I release the Holy Spirit gift and the power to you according to Acts 1:8.  Receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you – you shall be my witnesses of grace.  I release the power to heal, to minister, to give, to witness, to preach, to get wealth, to restore, to plant and destroy all the enemy’s stronghold!  I release power for miracles and breakthrough in your life!  I release the power to break all doubts and spiritual and physical barrenness in your life and your family. May the Good Gracious God bless you! Amen!

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