Saturday, March 16, 2024




1)  1) Diseased Spiritual River - 2 Kings 2:19-21

Elisha Performs Miracles

19 Then the men of the city said to Elisha, “Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.”

20 And he said, “Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.” So they brought it to him. 21 Then he went out to the source of the water, and cast in the salt there, and said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘I have healed this water; from it there shall be no more death or barrenness.’ ”

The barren land was connected to the barren water, water that needed healing. So this water can caused death and barrenness into the crops. It was the water but it was also sick water.  

In Exodus 15:23 Moses was directed by God to cast a tree into the bitter water a place called Marah. Moses cried out to the Lord so our part in healing the water is to cry to the Lord that will bring healing to the waters in the church today. Then Moses cast vs. 25 a tree into the waters, the waters wre made sweet. This tree represented Jesus who was crucified on a tree and the cross. The power of the cross was the answer to the bitterness and barrenness of life today.

Every local church has a spiritual life flow that we call “the River of God” in that church. The bible says out of our bellies shall flow rivers of Living waters. The river of God is the spiritual flow cause by Holy Spirit activity to bring the presence of God. During revival seasons God pours out His Spirit as rain upon dry ground and produces rivers in the desert. The river of God is a river of life, health, healing and power.  It should bring with it fruitfulness not barrenness.

2)   2) What is the Evidence of a Healthy Spiritual River?

God’s river is seen in its great power to bring life not death, healing not sickness, growth not stagnation, multitudes not smallness. (Ezek. 47:7; Isa. 61:1-4). The river of God in our churches is to be like the river in Ezekiel’s vision.

In Ezek. 47:1-12 the river symbolically flowed from the Temple, a river that we are to swim in and enjoy. Ezekiel’s vision described a man moving into the river, first to his ankles v.3, then to his knees v. 4 then to his waist v.4 and finally into water too deep to walk in and he had to swim. The river could not be crossed. This happens when the river comes into our lives and churches. Every church and believers belly shall flow rivers of Living waters to the world.

So the river of God in our churches is to be like the river in Ezekiel’s vision:

Ø  The river is a place for many trees to be planted v.7

Ø  The river reaches to the eastern regions. V. 8

Ø  The river flows down into every valley v. 8

Ø  The river brings healing to the waters v.9

Ø  The river causes life to spring forth everywhere v.9

Ø  The river has a great multitude of fish v. 9 (fish symbolic of people)

Ø  The river causes healing and health to everything. V.9

Ø  The river will minister healing to the nations v.12 – Missions

Ø  The river will produce very fruitful trees v. 12  fruitfulness.

God always used rivers as a symbol of His life-giving Spirit. God desires that every church or believer have a healthy river, a place of passing through new spiritual experiences and a place of encountering a new flow of spiritual life, power and blessings.  Come to the River of God!

3) Challenge: How healthy are the waters of your spiritual life? How healthy are our churches today? Are we open to a fresh anointing from God? Where do the waters of your spiritual life need to be stirred where you have become stagnated? In Worship, in devotion, and many more areas to be revived and refreshed in our lives.  



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