Friday, May 10, 2024


Enforcing the Kingdom of Righteousness

New Living Translation

May your Kingdom come soon!  May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.


We are to subdue everything that gets out of Gods will. What is that will you ask. If you are sick you subdue it and command heath to your body. Jesus took all your sickness and diseases on the cross so they wouldn’t have any power over you. Enforce healing and health in your body! We are to enforce what Jesus did on the cross and how to have spiritual dominion and enforce His finished work.

God already did the finished work for us now we are to command the devil, and spirits, weather, our bodies etc., to obey what Jesus accomplished by the finished work on the cross. Jesus ALREADY PAID for us to be healthy and healed now we command it to be so. We do not ask for what He already did and said was ours. We do not beg, God is not holding it from us. We ENFORCE it with the authority given to us IN CHRIST. God gave us all dominion as kings on the earth. He wants His Kingdom (heaven’s government) to rule on earth, not Satan’s.

Today it is so important to take authority over everything the devil has taken from you and command it to be ” On earth as it is in Heaven” Don’t settle for the easy way out but instead KNOW what belongs to you and take it back!

Our authority to rule comes from the righteousness and grace Jesus gave us. Look at the following scriptures.

1. Much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of   righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. (Rom 5:21)

2. Grace reign through righteousness to life through Jesus. (Rom 5:17)

3. The kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy IN the Holy Spirit

4. SEEK first the kingdom of God and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and all these things will be added to you.  The kingdom comes with ALL provision. Matt 6:33)

5 It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (Matt 13:11)

May you learn to enforce the righteousness of God in your life with spiritual authority and power in His Kingdom.

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