Monday, June 10, 2024



As we look at the story of the Samaritan woman, we see a woman who is weary. She's tired. She's been carrying the weight of her past, the weight of her sins. She's been carrying the weight of the world. And she's thirsty. Not just for water, but for something more, something that can quench her deepest thirst and something that can give her rest.

And then she meets Jesus. And everything changes. Because Jesus doesn't see her as the world sees her. He doesn't see her as a sinner. He doesn't see her as a Samaritan. He doesn't see her as a woman. He sees her as a child of God. He sees her as someone who is worthy of love, worthy of grace, worthy of salvation.

The Woman of Samaria

A. The Samaritan’s woman salvation and witness:

1. Conversation commenced – “give me to drink” – John 4:7

2. Confidence gained – “Sir, give me this water” – John 4:15

3. Conscience reached – “he whom thou now hast is not thy husband’ – John 4:18, 19

4. Conversion experienced – “”I know that Messiah cometh”; “I speak unto am He” – John 4:25,26

5. Change manifested – “Come, see a Man – Is not this the Christ?” – John 4:29   (all KJV)


A. The Samaritan’s woman salvation and witness:

 1. Conversation commenced – “give me to drink” – John 4:7 KJV

Jesus is a thirsty Traveller and the woman is one who has frequent journeys from her home to get the indispensable supply for every day's needs.

And Jesus started a conversation by asking for water.  This was because Jews and Samaritan have no fellowship and they are considered an outcast in society.

How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman? Immediately, the woman was impressed by the friendliness of Jesus. It was unusual for her to hear a kind greeting from a Jewish man, for generally speaking, Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. (Enduring Word)

2. Confidence gained – “Sir, give me this water” – John 4:15

Jesus declares - “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” – John 4:14  KJV

Jesus was telling the Samaritan woman to drink only from Him. But the woman was looking to Jacob's well. I believe Jacob's well represents our own effort or works instead of God's grace effortlessly. This well also representing the Law which cannot save and satisfies us.

3. Conscience reached – “he whom thou now hast is not thy husband’ – John 4:18,19

Jesus told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. 18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” NIV

Jesus said, “Perhaps, call your husband and bring him here. He might be able to help you understand. No, not really. Jesus didn't appeal to her intellect, but to her conscience.” (Biblical Hermeneutics)

She didn't need more husbands. Jesus opened her conscience so that she could see her need for eternal living water. She was searching for something that could not satisfy her. (Husband after husband) That's the one True Husband that she would ever need.

There are 18 bible verses “God is our Husband”

“For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called “ - Isaiah 54:5 ESV

4. Conversion experienced – “”I know that Messiah cometh”; “I speak unto am He” – John 4:25,26  KJV

The Proclamation of Jesus is the Messiah

Commentary: Merrill Tenney shows, “Jesus affirmed His Messiah-ship when He told the Samaritan woman, “I who speak to you am He.” When she announced to the town her belief, they listened to Him, and then believed, saying, ‘Now we know; this is the Savior of the world.’ Their equation of Messiah and Savior indicates their estimate of Him was theological, not political.”

5. Change manifested – “Come, see a Man – Is not this the Christ?” – John 4:29

The Samaritan woman was so impressed by the love of Jesus that she now sought out her fellow villagers, even when they had treated her as an outcast before.  “If she had avoided the company of her fellow-citizens before, she was a changed woman now; she must seek them out and share her news with them.” (Bruce)

Application: You may have a wrong past and a failure lifestyle but you can be changed by Jesus in one day. Jesus did not condemn her but show her the way, truth and the life. As she told her story and the Man Jesus many people of her city of Sychar (where Jacob’s well was) came and believed in Jesus.

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