Friday, May 20, 2011


The Lord is strengthening His people daily and everywhere they go:

1. The strength of His grace is to empower – “My Grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” – 2 Cor. 12:9 Strength in weakness? What a contradiction?

The concept of strength in weakness is really about emptying ourselves of ourselves, so that God can fill in the space. It's only by admitting our weaknesses, and accepting God's grace that we can gain true strength. In many spiritual battles, or even tests of will, our own strength is not enough to carry us through. We need God. And the only way we can get God's strength is to get ourselves out of the way and let Him work.

Strength of His Grace. There is strength in the Grace of God. God is the God of all grace. The grace of God in your life is to end weakness. God will replace godly strength for you to live for Him and serve Him. Grace will build you up and give you an inheritance – Acts 20:32 What grace calls you – Grace provides, restores, establishes and strengthens you.

2. The strength of His arm to sustain. – “Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed, for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee” - Isaiah 51:10

Strength to sustain you. The gospel of Jesus Christ declares the grace of God as the answer to all the struggles of life. The grace of God is for all your fears, your hurts and your pains. But unfortunately, fear, hurt and pain do seem to grip our lives far too often. Only grace can saved you because is in a Person Jesus Christ. Grace save you from hatred, sickness, coldness fire dies down, lukewarmness, helplessness. Grace is an exchange of Him that you don’t deserve it. He freely gives it to you and me. Fear Not, my strength of grace will perfect all your weaknesses.

Let the Strength of His Grace comes upon us today! Amen!

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