Thursday, June 2, 2011



The Text taken is from Genesis 18:1-16; 17-19

This is the story of Abraham and Sarah talking to 3 angelic men. The Lord appeared to him and he saw and ran and bowed himself towards the ground. Abraham asked Sarah to prepare food for them and gave them a good welcome to their tent.

They said, “Where is Sarah they wife? In the tent! And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and to Sarah thy wife shall have a son."

v.10 Notice the word “at the appropriate time

There are Three Roots of Time – One in Heb. “eth” and 2 in Greek – “chronos and kairos” ‘Chronos time is where your have seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years which bring a ‘kairos’ – which is an opportunity prefixed time in God. Chronos time as ‘seasons’

Time is one of the most important themes in the Bible. It is mentioned 449 times in 399 verses in O.T. and 170 times in 163 N.T. verses. ‘Chronos’ marks quantity, and ‘kairos’ is quality. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Acts 3:19) – Times of refreshing.

A) All Things Rise and Fall in God’s Time

Jesus was brought forth in the fullness of time to redeem mankind. God’s people must be obedient to His time and seasons. We cannot missed God’s time. God’s time are fashioned, determined and pre-appointed by Him. No one can change that.

B) Spiritual Timing Is The Key To Success - Exodus 9:5

No demon, no liar, no scheme of men can keep you down, if God has a set time to meet with you and me. No powers in hell whether social and economic segment of society can keep you down in your season. God is never too late. God determines your destiny. God has appointed you and me to be blessed! So blessed indeed!

Sarah here moved according to her senses (like many Christians)

I Corinthians 2:9-10 says “ears have not heard into the heart of man – the things of which God has prepared for them that love Him.”

Three Types of Knowledge – Sense knowledge – use ear, eyes, see, heard and feelings

- Intellectual knowledge – things that have not entered into the heart of man (heard the Word but..)

- Revelation Knowledge – knowing God by the Spirit. vs.10

C) Knowing God By The SpiritI Chronicles 12:32

“And the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times (seasons) to know what Israel ought to do ……” They had understanding of the times and seasons. They know God by His spirit what to do at the appropriate time.

For Abraham and Sarah it is God Word for the Season. Its God’s season His Word will perform it. Is anything too had for the Lord.?

· You are A Living Miracle because God lives inside of you. – Acts 17:28 “In Him we live and move and have our being”

· Do not believe the lies of the devil or listen to the opinions of men. Do not doubt God’s Word. God says to Abraham “according to the time of life” Sarah you shall have a son (fruitful). No barrenness anymore. Victory comes to those who say “NO” to circumstances or dead womb and yes to the promises of God. The powerful gracious grace of God will do it.

D) TIME OF LIFE - God promises to return to Abraham. It is his destiny – Time of Resurrection. Time to bring forth the new life and eternal destiny for the nation. Only through one man.

I also believe God is reserving that time to impregnate our womb with the seeds of faith for the season for the time to usher us into a resurrection life to live for Him. Or into a prophetic and apostolic dimension to take cities for Christ.

Sarah was already pass the spring of her life and her child-bearing years were long gone. She could have settled in her mind that she would die childless and barren with no sons and daughters to bury her and her generations to come.

She thought, she had entered into her permanent winter season and would never see spring again in her life. But God’s time and seasons always supersede and precede the natural and human realms. Nothing is too hard for Him.

Remember the Rod of Moses – is a Rod of Authority, Power/Miracles and Intercession – the Rod of God. The Lord gave Moses something to hold on!

So we can hold on to Christ the Anchor and Hope of our Glory – the Creator of the Universe. Moses held on to a rod, but we hold on to a Creator and the Saviour of the World, the Mighty One and Powerful One in this planet earth.

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