Saturday, March 5, 2011


Our scriptures are taken from - Revelation 4; and 5:11-14

In Revelation here we see great worshipers in heaven. In Chapter 1, we catch sight of the Magnificent Christ and Chapter 4 we find the most marvelous worship. In chapter 2 and 3 it talks about His seven Churches. In Chapter 4, John the Apostle saw the Throne of God in its splendor. He saw the appearance of the One who sat there had jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and a rainbow around the throne. It’s the Throne room of God. God is enthroned here and is His eternal throne.

Something similar happens to us as we draw near to God’s throne to worship; the light from this rainbow-encircled throne bathes our souls so that holiness, grace, truth, and love shine with their true colors. And nothing illuminates and enriches the soul more than worship. It’s through worship we see light and light shines into our dark hearts.

In Revelation 4, 5 revealed five companies of Worshipers and five songs that are sung. These five songs are sung in the act of worship.

1) The Four Living Creatures worship the Eternal God - Rev. 4:8
The first song is adoration of God:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is, and is to come” Rev 4:8

In order for worshipers to get close to the throne it is necessary to pass through this “crystal sea”. It is suggestive of the fact that worshipers have to be cleansed and sanctified before they can draw near. Yes true worship involves first a cleansing, a purifying.
Then John v6 saw 4 creatures which represents aspects of creation. The first was a lion, ox, face like of human being and flying eagle. These four creatures represent lion speaks nobility; the ox - strength; the human face – wisdom, the eagle – swiftness.

2) The Four and Twenty Elders worship the Creator, GodRev. 4:10,11
The second song is about God’s creative power 4:11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” As they fall down before the throne and worship Him that lives for ever and ever.

Worship is the inner health made audible, said CS Lewis. He said we will become better for having worshiped, for in the act of worship our personalities are made healthy. We are going through the door of worship “we complete ourselves; we become all that we were meant to be.”

Worship is a Lifestyle and daily experience. Matt. 15:8, 9. Worshiping is not a matter of skill and technique (not how many tongues you speak – its good). It is not confined to just singing some songs during a weekend church service, it is a lifestyle and daily experience. True worship flows from the life of one who has an intimate relationship with God. It is the response of our spirit to the Presence of God. The greatest worship offered to the Lord may not be audible or musical. Worship involved more than yielding the voice and emotions to God, it involves the will as well. Obedience to God serving Him, reaching out to others in His love and bringing glory to His name are among the highest acts of worship.

Quality worship can only flow from quality worshipers. Powerful and anointed worship can only be released by anointed worshipers. The kind of atmosphere created during worship is determined by the spiritual condition of the worshipers heart and spirit. God is not looking at lips worship but our hearts are far away in worship. In fact the Grace of God will help us in worship.

3) The Living creatures, Elders worship the RedeemerRev. 5:8-10
This is the third song – a new song – is to Christ, the Lamb of God. Many songs are mentioned in the Scripture. At creation the angelic host shouted and sang for joy. Moses sang. Miriam sang. Deborah sang. David sang and dance. Mary sang. Jesus and disciples sang, Paul and Silas sang. Singing cannot be repressed in the people of God. Nowhere do we find a song like this. It is a song of redemption and described as a new song. In the Old Testament during Moses time - a new song celebrated a new act of divine deliverance of intervention. Are there are song books in heaven??? Songs are written in their hearts and sang from their hearts.

But v.10 the phrase “a kingdom and priests.” It was mention three times in Revelation. We had a crown in our head and a censer in our hand and we shall reign on earth.

4) The Living creatures, Elders and Angels worship the Lamb, the Conqueror of Death. - Rev.5:11,12
The powerful 4th and 5th songs are the ones occupying our attention now. The fourth song begins like the third but is sung by many angels whose number cannot be counted. They focus their praise on the Lamb but as we never subjective. Angels never knew the joy that our salvation brings.

If the Lamb has received power the Church has it too. Riches and Wisdom and Strength, Honor and Glory and Blessings. The Lamb is Christ - the Head of the Church. If the Head enjoys the Sevenfold Blessings so are we the Church. The bible says, “as He is so are we” in this world. We as kings and priests ready to rule and reign with Him. We have what He has. Jesus conquers death and was slain but worthy to rule and take the seal and break it. Jesus gave us Spiritual Breakthrough and all kinds of Breakthrough.

Isaiah 52:9 says, “Break forth into joy..” If you want a spiritual breakthrough in your life you must break forth. Break forth into singing, into dancing into joy, into praise into prayer and into spiritual worship. Begin by letting your voice break forth – out of your spirit will flow Rivers of Living Waters.

In Psalms 103:1,2- “Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Bless His holy name! Bless the Lord and not forget His benefits”

One thing I observed that those who remain too quiet, who seldom sing or praise out loud, who refuse to yield their tongue to pray in the spirit. The lazy tongued becomes powerless believers that are easily defeated by the enemy. The enemy wants to silence us. He wants to silence our singing and worship. He wants to stop the fountain of our life from flowing forth. Why? Because when we sing we impose silence upon the enemy. The mouth of the accuser is silenced. Psalms 8:2 “Out of the mouth of babes and infants you have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger” Therefore let us open our mouth and learn to break forth spiritually in praise – it’s our weapons.

Rev. 19:11 “Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war”

2 Corinthians 10:4 says, “our mighty weapons of warfare are for pulling down strongholds.” How they pull down the walls of Jericho – through the long blast with the ram’s horn and with a great shout the wall fell down. One of the powerful warfare music will be one of the most powerful weapons for spiritual warfare in these last days. There is an anointed prophetic warfare music. Our music must be music that pulls down strongholds not only soothes our souls and mind. This kind of music may be new to others and they are uncomfortable with it.

I Samuel 16:23 – Music of David in his hand refreshed King Saul and made him well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him. Mighty weapons of music worship casting out devils. That’s in Old Testament. God uses music to do His work and to defeat the devil and his kingdom. Worship is in the last book of Revelation and given 2 chapters – ended with a four letter word “Amen” verse 14 which means “Yes”. John calls it the last word in worship.

It is the worshiping affirmation to the God who affirms us. When we come to God in worship we are immersed in God’s Yes, a yes that silences all our no’s and calls forth an answering yes in us. We respond to His Yes by saying yes. The promises of God are “Yes and Amen!” And we say yes, yes, yes. (Say Amen together) In heaven they still practiced it. Jesus Name is Amen and True

5) Every Creature, in heaven, on earth and under the earth, worships the Ruler of the Universe Rev. 5:13, 14

The Last Company and the fifth song were sung and join together the blessings of creation and redemption. Imagine hearing every voice in creation being lifted in adoration of God and the Lamb! Are you convinced that you must open your mouth and praise God? If not you would not join this company of people in heaven.

Rev. 7:9-12 – Will you be included here? These are Prophetic Visions John saw in the future. Can you see yourself worshiping Jesus and the Father at the Throne of God? Would you like to see? Yes then we need to start doing here on earth. Break forth in singing. Rocks would sing too and God is seeking True Worshipers today! Throne Room Worshipers and Mercy Seat Worshipers and these are powerful and they produce great power in prayer and intercession.


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